Silk Road overland vacation

Follow the Silk Road route through China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran & Turkey on an epic seven-week overland odyssey.
Beijing Forbidden Palace Temple of Heaven Great Wall of China Rickshaw ride through hutongs Internal flight to Xi'an Terracotta Warriors Big Wild Goose Pagoda Sleeper train to Lanzhou Jiayuguan Thousand Buddha Caves Jiaohe Flaming Mountains Internal flight to Kashgar Yakshambe Bazaar Silk Road Irkishtam Pass Osh Palace of Khudayar Khan Tashkent Samarkand Bibi Khanym mosque Bukhara Arc Ancient Merv Gonur Depe Ashkabad Tehran Iman Reza shrine Esfahan Tabriz Blue Mosque Tabriz Bazaar Ani Erzerum Sivas Pontic Mountains Ankara Mausoleum of Ataturk Istanbul
US $18181ToUS $18431 excluding flights
48 Days
China, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Small group
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Price includes all activities/equipment, tour leaders, local guides and drivers, meals, transport, accommodation and entrance fees as outlined in the itinerary.
Optional Single Supplement: from $2,269.
Please note some itineraries are reversed.
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Description of Silk Road overland vacation


The Great Silk Road Adventure: Xi'an to Istanbul Map

Price information

US $18181ToUS $18431 excluding flights
Price includes all activities/equipment, tour leaders, local guides and drivers, meals, transport, accommodation and entrance fees as outlined in the itinerary.
Optional Single Supplement: from $2,269.
Please note some itineraries are reversed.
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Travel guides

Silk Road
Silks and spices gave the world brilliance and flavour, but the people who travelled the Silk Road shared the priceless gifts of art, architecture and...
Geography and belief suggest Noah's Ark may have come to rest between the mighty twin peaks of Mt Ararat after the Biblical Flood. And Turkey still fe...

Vacation information

The currency converter above works on today’s interbank exchange rate. We do take bookings in a variety of currencies, but the rates are often set months in advance and may therefore differ from those shown above which are for guidance purposes only. Please inquire for details.


1 Reviews of Silk Road overland vacation

5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed on 24 Oct 2019 by

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

Mosque and shrine in Mashad - but so difficult to choose one amongst so many places visited on this amazing adventure

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

Be prepared for long days and early starts. Walking boots and water bottles not essential as walking easily done in walking sandals, and water providied in
plastic bottles in most hotels.

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

Supported local people by visiting areas of the normal tourist route and therefore putting money into their pockets

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?

Excellent - it is what it says in the title, an adventure NOT a vacation. Weren't sure what to expect - certainly spectacular and varied.

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) vacation so that you can travel knowing we've worked to maximise the benefits of your vacation to local people and places, and minimise any negative impacts.


We have a strict environmental policy to make sure that the environments we visit are not damaged or spoilt in any way. Our “Leave No Trace” ethic is applied to this trip and as tour operators, it is something we are careful to promote. Your guide on this trip will have been trained to uphold this policy and all clients are fully briefed on appropriate/responsible behaviour whilst in wilderness areas.

We are very aware of the economic, ecological and ethical impact tourism can have on ancient cultures and fragile environments. We realise that taking clients across all these regions can have a negative impact on the environment if not handled responsibly and as such, on all of our trips we go to great lengths to minimise the negative and accentuate the positive - after all, there are also many good things that the traveler can bring.

By keeping the group size to a maximum of 12, we can also minimise the human impact on the fragile sites we visit – particularly important as this trip visits some delicate ecosystems.


In all six countries (China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Turkey) we use local ground handlers - this means that all the operational costs go directly into the local economies and helps to improve employment opportunities in remote regions.

By incorporating homestays, locally owned hotels, family run restaurants and the services of guides and drivers into our itineraries, we ensure that money you spend on your trip goes directly into the local economy and local communities benefit from tourism. For example on day 15 of the tour on crossing the border into Kyrgyzstan we will spend a night with a local family in Sary Tash. Sharing rooms in this simple, rustic but cosy setting gives travelers a first-hand, authentic experience of the lifestyles of the peoples of this region whilst also allowing for deeper cultural understanding and interaction.

We show support to local communities through engaging and appreciating local culture and customs. On day 17 of this tour we will arrive at the town of Margilon in Uzbekistan where clients can admire and learn about the process of silk-weaving from start to finish. We will also visit nearby Rishton renowned for its remarkable blue and green ceramics.

In order to facilitate an enduring support structure for the communities we visit, and to show a commitment to these values, in January 2009 we set up a charitable foundation through which we can directly channel funds to both existing NGOs and our own development projects. In addition to organising ethically sensitive tours, having our own charitable foundation allows us to raise money – through the cost of our tours, charity trips and fund raising events – which can then be used to fund various projects in education, sanitation, reforestations and a number of other important issues facing developing communities.

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