Oman and Zanzibar beach vacation

Sandy shores and snorkelling, with Arabian culture and spice trade history – this Oman and Zanzibar vacation is a luxe beach break with a difference.
Three nights at a luxury hotel on a private bay morning guided tour of Muscat optional: early evening turtle spotting with hotel’s turtle ranger fly to Zanzibar seven nights at Breezes Beach Club & Spa reef walks snorkelling optional: visit Stone Town, explore Jozani Forest, half day spice tour
£2750 including UK flights
12 Days
Oman, Tanzania
Tailor made
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This price is per person, based on 2 people sharing.
While this price reflects the suggested itinerary (including flights, accommodation and excursions), this private trip is 100% tailor-made, and after you make your inquiry, a specialist can help you select the options best suited to your tastes and budget.
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Description of Oman and Zanzibar beach vacation

Price information

£2750 including UK flights
This price is per person, based on 2 people sharing.
While this price reflects the suggested itinerary (including flights, accommodation and excursions), this private trip is 100% tailor-made, and after you make your inquiry, a specialist can help you select the options best suited to your tastes and budget.
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Departure information

This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirements

Travel guides

It’s the epitome of exoticism – a name that conjures up magic, mystery and Indian Ocean perfection. The islands of the Zanzibar archipelago may be kno...
Being overshadowed by its northern neighbour has rather worked in Tanzania’s favour. Tourism has developed here more quietly, more thoughtfully,...


1 Reviews of Oman and Zanzibar beach vacation

4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed on 28 Nov 2019 by

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

I loved Zanzibar - particularly the Columbus Monkeys and Tortoise Sanctuary on Prison Island. Oman’s grand mosque.

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

Ensure flight times do not impinge and decrease your total amount of days spent in each place to really explore

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

The trip benefitted local people but was environmentally unfriendly as all excursions were booked as a solo traveler. I had vans and big boats to myself.

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?

Amazing vacation. I always find traveling on my own exhilarating and it was useful to know that Oman in particular is really safe for female travelers. Less so in Zanzibar. The island is very rural so you are more likely to feel you are in remote parts.

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) vacation so that you can travel knowing we've worked to maximise the benefits of your vacation to local people and places, and minimise any negative impacts.


From January to July, you may have the special opportunity to observe greenback and hawksbill sea turtles nesting, laying eggs or hatching. In recent years, over 100 mother turtles have been observed nesting in the area.
The Shangri La resort has a dedicated Turtle Ranger who can advise guests on the best times, and the most unobtrusive areas, to observe these fascinating creatures in their natural habitat. The ranger also ensures the nests are sheltered from any threats and to raise awareness amongst guests and local communities alike on the plight of turtles through educational activities such as talks and viewings.

Sanctuary, Shangri-La's Care for Nature project was launched in 2010 with the aim of making a concerted effort towards biodiversity conservation and habitat protection. Hotels work on individualised projects which are developed, tracked and monitored after a biodiversity assessment takes place. To date, there are a total of 19 Sanctuary projects in place engaging stakeholders worldwide.

Breezes Zanzibar have taken great pains to build the hotel in an environmentally responsible way. All Villas have solar power, there is a state of the art waste disposal & recycling system, an in house garden growing local produce for use in the restaurant and there is an environmentally responsible desalination plant where all the water is produced locally and not taken from the village source. They always prioritize purchasing any materials or supplies from the local village wherever possible and regularly get visits from local fishermen who sell them their catch of the day in an effort to support the local community. The hotel was built with a local workforce.


Breezes, along with its sister hotel Baraza, work closely with the surrounding community to improve education and healthcare in the local village of Bwejuu and guests can visit to see the project first-hand and gain a fascinating insight into life on Zanzibar. The hotel charity 'Breezes for Bwejuu' has been responsible for a huge improvement in the quality of life of the village. Since its inception, the charity has built a mosque, repainted the local clinic and supplied them with fresh water and medicines. They have also donated beds and mattresses, clothes, school supplies, and books. Working closely with a charity in Sweden, the hotel most recently supported and sponsored the development of a new maternity and children's clinic in Bwejuu.

As a company, Shangri La have two social responsibility projects.
Shangri-La's Care for People Project commits each hotel to a 10 to 15-year partnership with a chosen beneficiary working on children's health or education. This may include include infrastructure support, fundraising, life skills training and even hotel apprenticeships.

Yearly goals and targets are defined for a period of 10-15 years, seeing children through until they would have finished their higher education and are capable of caring for themselves and finding employment based on their own merits. Whenever possible, hotels are encouraged to look at performing hotel skills training with the goal of offering students a sustainable career, whether in or outside the hotel.

Shangri-La’s Barr Al Jissah Resort & Spa has been supporting Saffanah Yiti school, a local school built for Omani children who are less fortunate financially, as part of its EMBRACE programme. In October 2013, the resort donated used tables and chairs to the school for use in its classrooms. Another project entailed repainting the school’s interior walls and installing proper curtains in the classrooms to allow the children to learn in an environment that is more conducive for educating. The programme was aided by the resort’s dedicated CSR committee. Many employees have volunteered to assist with the charitable cause. On many occasions, SLMU has invited the children of Saffanah Yiti school to enjoy playtime at the Adventure Zone at the hotel.

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