Arctic Cruises vacations

Evocative names – Svalbard, Longyearbyen, Disko Bay, the Northwest Passage – fall softly across the Arctic map, conjuring images of midnight sunshine, frolicking whales, rainbow-painted wooden houses and enormous herds of caribou and musk oxen spilling across the tundra. Tusked narwhal and walrus, blubbery seals, the lonesome polar bear and the people that live alongside. Arctic vacations and cruises are eye opening in more ways than one.

42 Arctic Cruises vacation reviews

Arctic sailing voyages, North Spitsbergen
excluding flights
5 polar bears! (more)Joan Findlay
Excellent! Thanks much to the very friendly and capable guides, as well as the crew and pre-trip information. (more)Marion Harms
Of the many wildlife sightings our favourite memory is this: we were able to observe a polar bear mother and her cub for one and a half hours. It was a very moving scene... We have had the best adventure vacation of our lives thus far. (more)Sonja Boelaert
Arctic icebreaker cruise, Spitsbergen
excluding flights
Fantastic. (more)Mark Springate
It was wonderful trip. All the time at and around Svalbard while sailing in Arctic Ocean. The views and wildlife was spectacular but limited. (more)Saurabh Sharma
I was glad to learn that the team on the boat did beach clean ups often, were very aware of the environment and had the local community very much in mind. (more)Denise Kingwill
East Greenland cruise
excluding flights
The shear beauty of the fjords from high mountains to tundra to glaciers (more)Dorothy Small
The most memorable part of the trip was the scenery in East Greenland and the talks from the knowledgeable and passionate expedition crew. (more)Lindsey Lucas
It was an amazing trip and would highly recommend it. (more)Rosemary Trubuhovich
Arctic Polar bear cruise, Svalbard
US $9,770
excluding flights
Memorable parts? 22 Polar bears! And sadly this was a year when the sea ice melted early so I was afraid we wouldn't see any. Also foxes, walruses and reindeer, all seemingly unconcerned with humans so we were quite close. Spectacular scenery - glaciers, icebergs, tundra - lovely ship with a great crew and food better than I expected. Also, most importantly, the guides couldn't have been better. Tips? Be prepared for ever changing weather conditions. Local ... (more)Lisa Bromwell
Spitsbergen and North East Greenland cruises
excluding flights
Memorable parts? Seeing a polar bear. Tips? Try and choose a small ship for this type of trip. Local benefits? Yes as the wildlife was respected and we were encouraged to buy locally produced souvenirs. Overall rating? Brilliant. (more)Rosemary Chinchen
Spitsbergen cruise, 6 days
excluding flights
The most memorable part of the vacation was when the captain announced the presence of a polar bear in the distance. (more)Raul Antia
The 7 Guides were all amazing friendly people, full of interesting facts and from 6 different countries (more)Graeme Chapman
Greenland cruise and northern lights
excluding flights
I love Scandinavia and wanted to see the Northern Lights and experience the darkness - the dark days are a strange experience.. Seeing the northern lights was great and a privilege (more)Susie Barrett
Exceptional experience (more)Edward Fritz
Highlights of Spitsbergen vacation
excluding flights
Memorable parts? Seeing the wildlife in their natural environment. I saw a polar bear, lots of walruses, seals, reindeer and an arctic fox as well as a wide variety of birds. Tips? Do all the land activities and walks. They are organised to suit the vast majority of travelers. The guides are very knowledgeable and we saw a lot on the trip. Local benefits? Yes. Plastic collections were carried out at the beaches we landed at and only smaller boats could land there. We ... (more)Carol Cronin
Spitsbergen Arctic Cruise
including domestic flights only
The entire trip was awesome but the most memorable was the sighting of the polar bear with her cub walking across the tundra and then swimming. (more)Fee Cowan
Most memorable part of the vacation was... Seeing polar bears in their natural habitat. (more)Alicia Boyd
The most memorable and exciting part of the vacation was seeing polar bears and wildlife up close and personal! (more)Su-a Lee
North Spitsbergen cruise, realm of the polar bear
excluding flights
I particularly liked being in the zodiac among the icebergs close to the face of a giant glacier. (more)Mary Hulett
Encountering the artic wildlife in their own natural environment - particularly the polar bears and the blue whale. (more)James Bowles
The staff on the ship was excellent. We were able to see a variety of wildlife (more)Pam Lacey
Photo credits: [Page banner: steve estvanik]