Congo rainforest safari

£7995 including domestic flights only
12 Days
Tailor made
More info
all meals, transfers in the itinerary, guide & zoologist.
Chartered flight from Yaounde rtn.
All activities listed; exc.
international flights.
Price depends on party size (price based on 8 pax).
Please contact us to quote to your requirements.
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Description of Congo rainforest safari

Price information

£7995 including domestic flights only
all meals, transfers in the itinerary, guide & zoologist.
Chartered flight from Yaounde rtn.
All activities listed; exc.
international flights.
Price depends on party size (price based on 8 pax).
Please contact us to quote to your requirements.
Make enquiry

Departure information

This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirements

Travel guides

'Safari' means 'journey', and the word itself has travelled – first from the Arabic safar and safariya, through to the Swahili safari. This East...
I am a grown man, and have travelled all over Africa. But the first time I saw a tiger in the wilds of India, I cried.

Vacation information

Dietary requirements:
We can cater for vegetarian and vegan diets.

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) vacation so that you can travel knowing we've worked to maximise the benefits of your vacation to local people and places, and minimise any negative impacts.


In the Central African Republic we (as with everywhere we go) we carefully choose accommodation, suppliers and transportation that either minimises its effect on the environment or helps to contribute to its sustainable development.

By choosing small, privately owned accommodation where possible we also look to only stay in true eco-lodges that abide by basic and also pioneering methods of ecological sustainability. Where possible, we make sure that the lodges, camps and ranches that we use support local projects for the protection of the wildlife and local communities which rely on tourism as the principal source of income. In fact the lodge we use in Dzanga Ndoki National Park is one that works tirelessly with the local community, and also in protecting the local wildlife.

Over the years of conflict in that part of the world they have single handedly kept the habituated gorilla families safe from persecution and also they are given injured and orphaned animals from the local villages who find them in markets and rescued from poachers. These animals include duikers and pangolins and they are cared for and released back into the forests surrounding the lodge.

We also contribute and participate in as many studies that the local researchers are conducting as possible. The lodge heavily contributes to the ongoing conservation and research work of large NGO's which are centerd around animals such as pangolins.

Wildlife Promise:

It is difficult to bring into words the troubles that have afflicted central Africa over the last 20-30 years and this has had a big affect on the wildlife of the region. But by the work being done by great individuals in Central African Republic (many who are employed at the lodge we use) the wildlife is coming back and also the local people are actively protecting the wildlife that they would have seen as bushmeat not too long ago.

By bringing people here and spending time with mangabeys and gorillas we are showing that these species have more economic worth alive than dead. Also by traveling with a professional zoologist as well as professional local guides we aim to showcase the environment in full but also to allow you to learn about the problems facing the ecosystems here and highlight the ways that continued development and human exploitation are affect the species and how cutting edge research is countering the problems as well as showing you examples of success stories.

We also keep a record of all the great sightings we see on each tour and record the environmental factors, this data is used by ourselves but also given to the researchers who are working on many of these species. All the information collected in invaluable as the knowledge of some of the animals that live here are little understood. We also donate our pictures to the researchers to aid in their photo identification studies.


As with any of our tours of Africa and elsewhere in the world we always employ local guides and drivers. They have a much better local knowledge and also helps to bring in revenue sources to the local community.

All of the accommodations that we stay in whilst in Central African Republic we make sure that all our resources such as food, drink and equipment is locally sourced and we are always looking for ways to introduce local people into a guiding career. Africa has been doing this very well for the last decade or so and it is quite common to have local guides taking you into the reserves and in the lodge we will be visiting there are many local guides, rangers and staff. In fact the entire lodge is nearly completely staffed by local people from the surrounding forest. We think that by employing local guides we have encouraging a future generation to follow this career.

Many of the accommodations that we use are involved in community based projects and schools in particular. Many of the projects that are funded by people staying here are geared towards helping the local people of the Central African Republic forests (and other areas we visit) deal with an increasingly developed world and how they can continue to live in harmony with the wildlife and environment into this technological age. Where possible we also employ the services of local researchers and scientists who are studying species like African forest elephants, lowland gorillas and pangolins. This increases their funding for much needed studies. Where ever possible we also hire the services of indigenous guides to take our groups as this helps to stop them becoming marginalised and also provides an income in return for them maintaining traditional and sustainable ways of life. We also encourage the purchasing of local handicrafts which are all created in a sustainable way and provide great unique souvenirs.

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